Utah Sheriffs’ Association scholarships are for individuals committed to pursuing an education in law enforcement at a Utah College or University. For applications to be considered, candidates must fully articulate their career goals and meet criteria. Transcript of current grades must be submitted with application.

Scholarship Deadline - Postmarked or Submit by March 31, 2025

Requirements & Guidelines

  1. Applicant must be a resident of the State of Utah
  2. Applicant must be pursuing an education in law enforcement at a Utah College or University.
  3. All applicants must enroll as a full-time student (12 hours) for the Fall 2025 - Spring 2026 Academic Year.  If the applicant is planning on serving a mission or joining the military, wait until returning to reapply and submit an application for scholarship.
  4. All applications must be completed by you, the applicant, and signed by your parents or guardian if applicant is under the age of 18. High School students must provide a transcript of high school grades. College students must provide a transcript of college grades.
  5. For applications to be considered, candidates must fully articulate their career goals and meet criteria.
  6. Applications can be obtained from the Sheriff of each county in the State of Utah or on Utah Sheriffs’ Association website http://utahsheriffs.org.
  7. Upon completion, the application must be returned to the Sheriff of the County in which the applicant resides.
  8. Applications are reviewed, and signed by the County Sheriff and submitted to the Utah Sheriffs’ Association for consideration.
  9. Awards will be made on or about the first of May following review of the Executive Board of the Utah Sheriffs’ Association.
  10. Recipient of scholarship award will be notified by their county sheriff and names posted in the Utah Sheriffs’ Association publication, The Utah Sheriff. Checks will be issued in the name of the school and student name, and presented by the county sheriff. Award checks will be valid for 180 days following date of issue.

Personal Infomation

(if applicable)

Last High School/College/University Attended

Drag and drop files here or Browse
Attach transcript of grades (pdf)

General Questions

Include Honors you have received, offices held, extra-curricular activities in high school, college and professionally, and/or any additional information which you feel will assist the Sheriff and Executive Board in their decision.
Include a brief essay/paragraph on your proposed course of college study, how you reached this decision, what you expect to gain from college, your personal goals and ambitions as they pertain to your career path in law enforcement

Download and Apply